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Best Practices

Go Live within days

Best Practice Standard Go Live Implementation in a few weeks

Digitize your HR department in just a few weeks with the service Best Practice Standard Go Live Implementation.

The challenge

  • Do you want to realize the benefits of digitizing your HR department as quickly as possible?
  • Do you want to start with proven best practices of the HR solution?
  • Do you want to implement with costs you know in advance?
  • Do you have a lot to do in HR and still want to implement the solution in parallel?

Best Practice Standard Go Live Implementation - the solution

  • With "Best Practice Standard Go Live", you'll roll out HR for Dynamics in your organization within weeks.
  • For a fixed price, you receive a standards-based introduction based on Best Practice Standard Go Live processes and templates from the software.
  • In addition, your employees receive extensive coaching on the job, so that they gain confidence in the work processes and in the usage of the software.


Each Best Practice Standard Go Live action area has a consistent process that guides you quickly through the implementation of individual HR for Dynamics modules.

Therefore, you will first receive a questionnaire in preparation for each of the topics on decisions that you will have to make during the Best Practice Standard Go Live. You can discuss and decide on the upcoming decisions internally beforehand or discuss them with the expert within the sessions. Furthermore, you will receive a checklist with small tasks that you will work through in preparation, such as obtaining a current org chart.

During individual Best Practice Standard Go Live sessions, an experienced coach and Hubdrive partner, will guide you through the workflows and help you make decisions where options are possible in the process close to the standard. For example, you can approve vacations with and without substitutes. The coach supports you to the extent that you can practice the workflows independently afterwards.

Now you have 1 to 2 weeks to get to know the module better. If you have any questions, you can clarify them in the already planned Q&A session.

You can then customize forms, create workflows or change views yourself. A certified HR for Dynamics implementation partner will show you how to do this, or you can use the eLearning portal.

How much do Best Practice Standard Go Live cost?

Preparing implementation after Best Practice Standard Go Live h Recommended Participants
Kickoff meeting, introduction and initial planning (mandatory) 2 Project Manager, Key-User
Solution overview (recommended) 3 All project participants
Areas of action
Recruiting 10 HR-Manager or Recruiter
HR Organization 10 HR-Manager
HR Development 6 HR-Manager or Personnel Developer
Absence Management 5 HR-Manager
Time Tracking 5 HR-Manager and Key-User
Commissions 5 HR-Manager and Payroll Accounting
Payroll Preparation 5 HR-Manager and Payroll Accounting
Self-Services for Employees and Managers 1 HR-Manager and Key-User
Creating and using templates 3 HR-Manager and IT Admins
HR Customizing Best Practices (Fields, Views, Dashboards) 3 IT Admins
Travel and Expenses 2 HR Administration
Leadership and Management 3 HR-Manager and Management
Celebration => improvement is realized, end of Best Practice 0.5 All project participants

Timeframe of the Best Practice Standard Go Live

Work Package Effort Customer Effort HR Solution Expert
Data migration (optional, if requested beforehand)
Preparation 0.5 0.5
Sending and preparing preliminary tasks
Sending and preparing the decision preparation sheet
Pro Best Practice Standard Go Live (example time tracking) 3 3
Guiding the customer through the Best Practice Standard Go Live workflows
Selection and detailing of the desired method close to the standard
Customization of the system configuration and templates
Validation of the solution through real examples and coaching on the job
Inclusion of additional user requirements and customization requests, if neccessary
In the follow-up to the live sessions, independent practice of the process
Follow-up 1 1.5
Documentation of made configurations
Q&A Session 1-2 after the training, if needed, discussing additional Best Practices
Data migration can start (optional, if requested afterwards)

Individual Requests

Should you subsequently require individual training or adjustments, you can then book these conveniently and flexibly as service contingent.



Online or on-site by a certified HR for Dynamics implementation partner



Next steps

Contact us.