Release Notes Rollup Update 14
Donnerstag, 5. Juni 2014
HR Überblick
- Stellen Sie Ihre Geschäftsprozesse mit den Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Business Process Flows dar. Diese sind jetzt standardmäßig für Stellenausschreibungen, Bewerbungen und Urlaubsanträge verfügbar.
- Spezielle HR Felder sind mit Feldsicherheit belegt, z.B. Bankdaten und persönliche Informationen. Lese- und Schreibrechte sind abhängig von Feldsicherheitsprofilen, so dass nur autorisiertes HR Personal Zugriff auf die Felder hat.
- Die aktiven und inaktiven Statusgründe für Kern-Entitäten wurden bearbeitet und hinsichtlich der HR Prozesse angepasst.
Dashboards und Berichte
- Dynamics Personalmanagement bietet neue Dashboards für Recruiting, Organisation, Personalentwicklung und Mitarbeiterfunktionen an. Zusätzlich wurde ein HR Dashboard für Entscheider hinzugefügt.
- Aussagekräftige Diagramme sind in allen HR Dashboards und relevanten Sichten verfügbar.
Mitarbeiter Cockpit
Mitarbeiter Cockpit
- Im Mitarbeiter Cockpit zeigt ein Säulendiagramm den Vergleich zwischen Urlaub und Resturlaub des entsprechenden Mitarbeiters.
- Im Mitarbeiter Cockpit zeigt ein Säulendiagramm die Erreichung der Ziele der letzten 5 Mitarbeitergespräche. Hier ist zu sehen, ob der Mitarbeiter ein Ziel vollständig, teilweise oder gar nicht erreicht hat.
- Ein Überblick über die offenen Ziele aus den Mitarbeitergesprächen wurde dem Mitarbeiter Cockpit hinzugefügt.
- Eine Forecast Funktionalität wurde hinzugefügt. Nun können Finanzforecasts auf Basis individueller Bedürfnisse und Zeiten erstellt werden.
Ideenmanagement global
- Nun wird für jede Idee automatisch eine fortlaufende Nummer vergeben.
Solved Issues
- Area Entity: Lookup for Superior Area is hidden when "Economic Area" is chosen (CAS-07377-D2T6Q)
- A deactivated user (who worked on the project) is causing resource utilization in Planning Table to not load anymore (CAS-07278-B3B3Q)
- Employee Cockpit with CRM 2011: all new windows open without ribbon (CAS-07249-W5R1G)
- Employee Cockpit startup is too slow (CAS-06986-S0V8B)
- Employee Cockpit: The chart on the right is not refreshing once an appointment has been opened from the grid and deleted in CRM (CAS-07028-Z8V4H)
- Employee Cockpit: Time is always showing as AM/PM even if CRM User Culture is 24h (CAS-07112-S1W7C)
- Employee Cockpit: The start of the week cannot be changed from Sunday to Monday; should act in accordance with CRM user culture (CAS-07113-T1Q7C)
- Employee Cockpit: Some program items are always shown in English and not in the user language (CAS-07351-J8S3P)
- Absence Administration and Leave Request creates entries in the Worktime Calendar with wrong times, e.g. -1 h if user is in UTC+1 (CAS-07024-D1B8G and CAS-07132-W0J6C)
- Area "Human Resources" and related Sub-Areas are not removed by the Activation Wizard for non-HR customers (CAS-06601-W5Z6D)
- Billable time is not set when an activity is created in Outlook and marked as complete via the Ribbon Bar without opening the record (CAS-03987-N5S1D)
- Billing function fails to create a time sheet if many orders with different price lists are attached to the project - Error "Missing Pricelevel" (CAS-07257-X7B3V)
- Billing requires TravelCostProduct, even though the order is set to “don’t bill travel costs””: (CAS-07157-N5Y7F)
- Calculate New/Close doesn’t recognize rendered services with former selection field (twooptions instead of current picklist) Employee/External Provider (CAS-07224-V6H0P)
- Calculate New/Close fails for receipts with a ‘Regarding’ to the project and mismatched travel: improved error message (CAS-07092-G2J7J)
- Calculate New/Close fails for projects with more than 5000 records (CAS-07172-P4G0N)
- Calculate New/Close fails for appointments with error "The length of the 'description' attribute of the 'appointment' entity exceeded the maximum allowed length of '####'" (CAS-07008-N5S3Y)
- Creating projects from deactivated orders has to be prevented (CAS-07100-X0M9S)
- CRM-Project Employee’s standard security role does not provide sufficient rights to execute the Activity Calculation plugin (CAS-07293-B8K1Y)
- Report Claim Expenses: user selection changes from full name to User GUID (CAS-07010-B9G3P)
- When opening an activity form, the error dialog message appears "xRM1SetRemainingWork failed: undefined” (CAS-07322-T0N3C)
- Gantt Chart: Even though the Milestone is set to a fixed date, it’s still possible to move the dates (CAS-07118-K1B5P)
- WBS (with Automatic Mode switched on): extending the duration of a project node by changing start date of the superior project doesn't work (CAS-06860-P3N1W)
- Completed appointments are not displayed in the Fast Time Entry (CAS-07037-N5Z1P)
- Global Resource Utilization screen shows timeout error (CAS-07199-X8F4R)
- If you complete an appointment (> 24 h) and then try to edit it in the Fast Time Entry, the error message: "Work duration can not be below '0' appears (CAS-06875-C0M7J)
- Billing Screen does not invoice Material Usage activities in the right way (CAS-07042-N0G0M)
- Microsoft Project Import: Duration of tasks and phone calls are set to 1 Minute while importing (CAS-06750-W1Y2J)
- The Employee Timesheet report shows timeout error (CAS-06252-M8P3B)
- xRM1 Business Solutions fails to uninstall because of Sitemap dependencies (CAS-07167-G3H4K)
- Uploading a new license file might not update the existing license (CAS-07481-T1S3X)
- When creating a time entry in the Fast Time Entry window, duplicate appointments will show up in Outlook when the time entry appointment is synchronized (CAS-07292-M3Z1M)
- Zeros entered in Planning Table disappear after Calculate New (CAS-07489-Q4K4D)
- Planning Table: A request that takes longer than expected leads to an error on the Planning Table (CAS-06834-N0S0C)